+381 64 646 9009
+381 69 646 901



Aware of the geological, environmental, economic and human challenges of our century, we have designed and manufactured geosynthetic systems for soil stabilization and erosion control. We have focused many years of experience and knowledge in the service of stabilizing the soil.
As a dynamic team of experts with constant and consistent participation in the world of geosynthetic committees, we continuously invest in research and development of technologies whose efficiency has been proven in the long run. Based on many years of experience in the study and implementation of geosynthetics solutions used in infrastructure projects and terrain stabilization, we focus on the feasibility and durability of the solution.

Mose Pijade 54/4,  26000,  Pancevo,  Srbija.
Phone : +381 64 646 9009
E-mail : office@velmidas.rs
V.A.T. 108940984
I.N. 21097233